Summary of the Harold Shipman Case (Doctor of Death)
By Traciy Curry-Reyes
Pre 1998: 52 year old Dr. Harold Shipman runs a one man’s medical operation. He has a very busy medical practice in Hyde, England. There were a few people in the town who were somewhat suspicious of Shipman. In 1998, Former Mayor, Kathleen Grundy, an 81 year old patient was found dead in her home. Angela Woodruff, the granddaughter of Kathleen Grundy, immediately became suspicious upon finding that Grundy’s will had been recently changed to include leaving her estate valued at over $600,000 to Dr. Shipman. At Kathleen Grundy’s exhumation toxicology reports indicated that Mrs. Grundy had received a large dose of heroine. Dr. Shipman kept a supply of heroine in his bedroom according to trial testimony.By Traciy Curry-Reyes
December 1998: Dr. Harold Shipman appears in court. He has been charged with killing 2 more patients. Police continue to exhume 2 more bodies that they believe might be connected with Shipman.
December 1999: Dr. Harold Shipman goes on trial in the murders of at least 15 patients. He is referred as Britain’s most prolific serial killer by the media.
January 2000: The jury finds Dr. Shipman guilty of the murders of 15 people, though it is suspected that he killed close to 200. He was sentenced to 15 life sentences. He also received additional time for forgery.
January 2004: Dr. Shipman committed suicide. He was found hanging in his prison cell just before his birthday. Bed sheets were used in the hanging.
2006: The movie Fatal Trust comes to television dramatizing the case of Dr. Shipman.
There is so much information about this case. It would take hours to go through the whole case load. I will add other bits of information to this timeline as I continue to read up on the case.
This is a good place to start. This website talks about the suspicious Taxi driver and the woman responsible for bringing the Doctor down! Click here
TruTv also has a good write up about the Case Click Here
Cold Case files video part 1 click here
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